2800 N Terminal Rd, Houston, TX 77032, United States Airport code: IAH
Every day - 24hrs
Among several airports in Houston, George Bush Intercontinental Airport is the largest airport and hosts domestic and international airline flights. In case you are traveling to or from George Bush Intercontinental Airport, please find the contact details below:
United Airlines Houston phone number: you can connect through the United Airlines Houston airport phone number, +1 281-230-3100, and get the needed assistance.
Working hours of Airport customer service: It is open 24x7 to assist customers with information and other needs.
Address of George Bush Intercontinental Airport:
For booking queries and other information, please contact United Airlines Houston office on the address below:
609 Main st, Houston,
TX 77002, USA.
United Airlines flights operate from several terminals of Houston Airport, namely A, B, C, and D. You are requested to call the United Airlines customer service to confirm United Airlines Houston airport terminal of the scheduled flight.
Connect on Live chat: You can send messages to United Airlines customer service on a chat window. Click on the link here to access the live chat https://www.united.com/en/us/fly/help-center.html#
To check in on a United Airlines flight: To complete the web check-in process of your scheduled flight, go to the link here https://www.united.com/en/us
Baggage queries: if you have lost, damaged baggage, please fill out the lost time form and report to United Airlines https://www.chargerback.com/ReportLostItemCBEmbedbu.asp?customerid=2474
Or call 1 800 335 2247 for appropriate assistance.